Renowned horror film director Eli Roth faces his fear of sharks and sheds new light on the horrific global shark trade in FIN. The all new documentary, Executive Produced by Roth and Leonardo DiCaprio, is streaming now on Discovery+.
Check out the trailer below, then read on for all the details!
FIN Synopsis
In FIN, Eli Roth and a professional group of scientists, researchers and activists sail around the globe to unveil the truth behind the death of millions of sharks, exposing the criminal enterprise that is impacting the extinction of the misunderstood creatures. FIN features work from photographer Michael Muller and the support of organizations such as Oceana, Sea Shepherd, and Wild Aid.
Eli Roth (Cabin Fever, The Green Inferno) Directed, Executive Produced and Stars in this all new documentary.
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Whta do you think? Are you going to check out Eli Roth’s FIN on Discovery+? Tell us in the comments!