WiHM 2019 – Artist Feature: Interview With Glizzette Ojeda

Over the past few years, I’ve made social media connections with artists from around the world. For someone who enjoys the therapeutic practice of doodling to release stress, I admire those who have the raw talent of the craft, primarily those who encourage others to follow through to their own artistic goals. I stumbled upon Glizzette Ojeda as a member of a horror loving group on Facebook. Its was evident from one single post of her work in progress that this woman had talent, to say the very least. The degree in skill – even for the most negligible details – left admirers awestruck. Her passion for art is harmoniously unified with how she uses it and gives back to others. The ability to create goes beyond paper and dives in makeup as well.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Glizzette to talk about how she became in tune with her abilities, and I got to know more about her as a person.

 “A million ideas run through your head when you see different forms of art. It makes you want to try everything, even if you don’t think you’d be great at it.” 

PopHorror: First of all, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Tell us a little about yourself.

Glizzette OjedaOf course! Thank you for asking me. I never know how to start this. (laughs) Well, I’m 30 years young, the middle child of 3 children, and proud to be Puerto Rican. I love everything art related, whether it’s getting lost in a great song, watching a captivating movie, or expressing myself through drawing.

PopHorror: How long have you been drawing? Was it a skill that you happened to stumble upon?

Glizzette OjedaAs a child, I was always coloring. I wanted to be able to draw the cartoons on the pages. I wanted to be an artist. In middle school, I wanted to draw like two of my classmates, so I gave it a shot. By high school, I was drawing dragons and fairies from tattoo books. I didn’t start drawing portraits until 2013. To this day, I’m still trying to improve

Artwork by Glizzette – 2013 Drawing of Alex from A Clockwork Orange


Tattoo Design by Glizzette – 2013

PopHorror: That’s awesome! I remember coming across one of your drawings through a Facebook page. It blew me away. Was there something that lured you in to drawing infamous horror villains or notable characters?

Glizzette OjedaI never thought I had the skill to draw people. When I first started, I drew a couple of characters from a show I was watching. I believe that year Rock and Shock was coming near me. Some of my favorite horror characters were going to be there. I drew portraits of them so I could get them signed. It was one of the best days of my life.

PopHorror: Do you feel like that solidified your talent? Have you thought of selling prints or getting a booth at conventions?

Glizzette OjedaNo. I still feel like there’s always room for improvement. We are our worst critics. No matter how many times people compliment your work, you always want to do better. It was pretty great having the Robert Englund take time to talk to me about my art, though. So cool! (laughs)

I’ve thought about making prints. Hopefully, I’ll get to do that very soon. As far as having a booth at conventions, that never crossed my mind.

Glizzette meeting Robert Englund at Rock and Shock

PopHorror: That must have been such a surreal moment. Robert England is such a rad guy. Do you have a favorite subject matter to draw?

Glizzette Ojeda: He really was. He was so sweet. I feel like the people in line behind me were losing patience with him talking to me. I felt bad. I love memorial or family portrait drawings. I feel so honored when someone asks me to draw someone they love who’s alive or who has passed. I love being a part of something so special.

PopHorror: I’ve seen some of those memorial portraits, and they are stunning in detail. Something else that has caught my attention is your makeup skills. How many looks have you created, and which is your favorite?

Glizzette OjedaThank you so much! I have no idea how many looks I’ve done. (laughs) As for my favorite? I don’t think I have one. I’m so indecisive. One that I love is my Ursula the Sea Witch look. I feel so fierce when I’m in that makeup and costume.

Halloween 2018 – Entire costume handcrafted by Glizzette

PopHorror: It is one of the best representations for Ursula, in my opinion. Have you thought of other looks you want to recreate in the future?

Glizzette OjedaThat is awfully sweet of you. Thank you! I want to do a fierce Medusa look… a perfect balance between beauty and beast.

PopHorror: Ooh, that’s going to be badass! I can’t wait to see it. Has anyone in the arts field inspired you?

Glizzette OjedaSo many people inspire me. I follow so many talented artists all over social media, and each of them are so different. A million ideas run through your head when you see different forms of art. It makes you want to try everything, even if you don’t think you’d be great at it.

PopHorror: Are there any goals you’ve set for yourself that will take you out of this element and into something different?

Glizette OjedaNot really. Art has always been a hobby. So, no matter what I do, I’m always going to be drawing. Even if isn’t specifically related, it will always be there

PopHorror: Where can fans of your work follow you? Or how do they go about inquiring for commissions?

Glizzette OjedaThey can check out my work on my Facebook art page. They can contact me here on Facebook or by email ([email protected]) for commission information.

PopHorror: If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?

Glizzette OjedaIt would be an honor to collaborate with anyone that I admire.

Some of Glizzette’s body of work:

I want to thank Glizzette for giving me the time to chat with her. I am so stoked to use this platform to share her talent with horror lovers during the Women in Horror Month. If you’re not following her on social media, do yourself the favor and fix that now. We cannot wait to see what the future holds for such a down to earth and insanely ingenious artist.

About Anna

Hello readers, I was born and raised in Southern California. Throughout my upbringing I grew fond of the horror movie genre thanks to my mother. With my interest in true crime, I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in forensic investigation. I enjoy art of all kind and appreciate subject matter outside the social norm. I like to engage in conversation involving my passions, so lets talk.

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