My Favorite Horror Film: Body Horror Classic, ‘Audition’

Because I’m a huge fan of body/torture horror, Takashi Miike’s brilliant and disturbing Audition ranks as my favorite of the genre. This Japanese torture horror classic is not for the faint of heart, and makes the Saw franchise look like a bunch of Disney films.

It tells the tale of a recently widowed man (Ryo Ishibashi) who uses filmed auditions to find potential dating material. He becomes intrigued by a beautiful and mysterious woman (Eiha Shiina), and they begin a tentative relationship. But he soon finds that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to this particular audition. From there, it becomes an allegorical and gory tale of the power dynamic between men and women.

Director Takashi Miike, also known for his brilliant films, Ichi The Killer and Visitor Q, takes the horrors of dating to a new and twisted dimension. Without giving anything away, I’ll just say that this film will make you cringe, laugh nervously, and even cross your legs. And, if you’re single, it may keep you far away from dating sites.

You must mentally prepare upon viewing, as the violence is harrowing and quite realistic.

Bottom line: if you’re into torture horror, skip Saw and go with Audition.

About PaquitaS3

I've been obsessed with films ever since I saw Cronenberg's The Fly when I was 8 years old. I'm a critic and also the cohost of the Scream Warriors podcast on YouTube. I currently reside in Quincy IL where I busy myself writing and easing my daughter.

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