‘Eat Organic’ (Short Film Review) A Morbidly Delicious Zombie Tale

Everyone is always saying that processed food is horrible for you and that the only way to be healthy is to eat organic. While some follow a healthy diet, others never think twice about shoving two or three cheeseburgers into their mouths and washing it all down with a diet soda. But what if eating an abundance of processed foods turned you into something that you’re not? What if you turned into a zombie? All this and more happens in the morbidly delicious zombie tale, Eat Organic. 

eat organic

Retro Hawk Productions presents Eat Organic, a zombie story directed and by Dustin Hawkins. The film stars Daniel Wise, Amanda FehlnerCara ArtmanMiles Ackers, Tj Adams, Keytonna Aguilera, and more.

Official Synopsis:

Over the last decade, some secret organization has been building a chemical change in our bodies through our more processed foods and today the final ingredient went in to complete the transformation of turning us all into flesh eating zombies.

What can I say about a film that revolves around becoming a zombie after consuming processed food? The answer is… I fucking loved it! Eat Organic is one of the best zombie flicks I’ve seen in a long time. For me, I think it’s one of the most realistic zombie-related stories out there. We pump chemicals into our body every day so who knows if one day will wake up as the undead as a result of consuming processed food. It has a run time of around 8 minutes and takes place in Columbia, Missouri. Hell yes to the Midwest, baby!

Woah… is that Hugh Jackman?

Although the film is mostly zombie based – I really enjoyed the two main characters, especially Daniel Wise aka discount Hugh Jackman. Seriously, they should have called this Wolverine Vs. Zombies because Daniel looks exactly like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine/Logan. Ironically, Daniel’s character happens to be named Logan as well… coincidence? I think not! He played the perfect badass and he wasn’t gonna let processed food get him down!

Eat Organic had around 70 zombies. Yes, that’s right – 70 fucking zombies! They came in all shapes and sizes, but with one thing in common… the hunger for human flesh! The makeup artists did a fantastic job at giving the zombies a realistic undead appearance without making them look like outcasts from every other zombie film. Plus I loved the stunts and the slow-moving zombies, they always seemed more realistic to me than zombies with superhuman speed. For more fun behind the scenes information – check out the clip down below.

Last but not least, the soundtrack was pretty badass. They got permission to use the song “Lullaby for a Dead Man” from Activision’s Black Ops video game. The song played during the zombie attack scene and it fit perfectly.

Overall, Eat Organic is one of my new favorite zombie flicks and, surprisingly, it’s only 8 minutes long. It was nominated at the Red Dirt Film Festival for Best Concept in a Short Film and I couldn’t agree more. Eat Organic is a fun story with awesome zombies, plus Hugh Jackman’s twin is in it. What’s not to love? If you’re wanting to watch it (do it, do it), you can view it by clicking – here. Enjoy! #eatorganic

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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