Coming Soon To Select Theaters And VOD: Amanda Nell Eu’s ‘TIGER STRIPES’

Coming soon to select theaters and VOD from Dark Star Pictures and director Amanda Nell Eu (Vinegar Baths) is the new horror film, Tiger Stripes. The film stars Zagreen Zaairizal, Deena Ezral, and Piqa. It will hit theaters on June 14, 2024, and VOD on July 9, 2024.


The first amongst her friends to hit puberty, Zaffan, 12, discovers a terrifying secret about her body. Ostracized by her community, Zaffan fights back, learning that to be free she must embrace the body she feared, emerging as a proud, strong woman.

Check out the trailer below!

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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