Blood Covered Chocolate

Coming Soon to Digital and On Demand: Vampire Film ‘BLOOD COVERED CHOCOLATE’

Coming soon to Digital and On Demand from Terror Films and director Monte Light (Space) is a new horror film: Blood Covered Chocolate. The film stars Christine Nguyen (Attack of the 50 Foot CamGirl), Helen Udy (Deadly Dealings), and Mike Ferguson (Clown Motel 2).

Blood Covered Chocolate


When a recovering drug-addict named Massimo is bitten by an ancient, shapeshifting monster, he must fight to save his girlfriend Tien from the same bloody fate.

Check out the trailer below:

Blood Covered Chocolate lands on April 7, 2023. Watch for it!

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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