Cinepocalypse 2019: Review of Daniel Bolda’s Short Film ‘Muffin’

For Cinepocalypse 2019, I had the opportunity to review Daniel Bolda’s short film, Muffin. I had no idea what this short was going to be about. I knew the title only, but that intrigued me. A film simply titled Muffin? It has to be interesting for sure, right? The poster has a deer with blood oozing from his mouth. What did that have to do with bakery products? I was curious to say the least, so I had to check it out. Did this film live up to my piqued curiosity? Read on to find out!

Muffin Film Poster

This Greek film was directed by Daniel Bolda (The Northern Street 2005) and co-written by himself and Marilena Karamolengou (Thread 2016). It stars Sofia Kokkali (Mikra Anglia AKA Little Englund), Kostas Laskos (Wednesday 4:45 2015), Andreas Kontopoulos (Evil – In The Time Of Heroes 2009), Katerina Lypiridou (An Athens Summer Dream 1999) and Yiorgos Gallos (The Enemy Within 2013).

Film Synopsis: 

Willing to pay the price for a new life, a man stops his car in the middle of nowhere and forces his father out, leaving him all alone in the woods. Haunted by his regrets, he then tries to cancel the agreement and bring his father back. What a surprise: there is no such thing.

My Thoughts: 

Muffin is a unique short film. It runs in at about 17 minutes and packs a lot of punch in that small amount of time. While I enjoy slashers, I don’t have to always watch “in your face” horror. This film definitely toys with emotions, which can be more horrifying than blood and guts. Who hasn’t thought, “What I wouldn’t give to have this?” The film delves into what would happen if you had the opportunity to have what you wanted, but you had to pay a price. Everything you want has a cost. So, what are you willing to pay? Muffin demonstrates the repercussions of such decisions. The film opens with a man driving out to the middle of nowhere to shove his elderly father out of his car and into the woods, watching him disappear behind the trees. This is the price for his new life.

The film continues with the son’s feelings of guilt and he wants to cancel his deal to bring his father back. The man learns a lesson and a horrifying discovery. The poster and title will all make sense once you watch the film. I promise. The performances are outstanding. The pacing and plot are pretty much on point. I dug the message, as it is something everyone can relate to. Sometimes a poor decision, one you can’t go back on, turns into quite a horrifying moment. Hopefully none of us have an experience like this man did, though.

Final Thought: 

If you have a chance to see this film, please do!

About JenniferLeigh

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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