
Cinepocalypse 2017 Presents: ‘Downrange’ – A Ruthless Bloodbath

Cinepocalypse 2017 has an amazing lineup this year and everyone should check it out. First up on my list is the intense thriller Downrange, which is premiering at Cinepocalypse on November 4th. Can you imagine being stuck out in the middle of nowhere and getting shot at from a distance? Downrange goes there and doesn’t hold back.

Downrange was directed by Ryûhei Kitamura (The Midnight Meat Train) and co-written by himself and Joey O’Bryan (Motorway). The film stars Stephanie Pearson (Insidious: Chapter 2), Alexa Yeames (The Originals), Jason Tobias (Notorious), Kelly Connaire, Rod Hernandez, Anthony Kirlew, and more.

Synopsis for Downrange

Stranded at the side of the road after a tire blowout, a group of friends become targets for an enigmatic sniper.

Ryûhei Kitamura is back in the horror killing game and I’m loving it! This story was incredibly brutal and ruthless, never holding back on the intensity. I was at the edge of my seat from beginning to end, wondering what the fate of the characters will be and if any of them will survive this killer’s sick game.

The action and intensity is the main focus as the characters don’t have much of a story. For the most prt, we know very little about them, but it doesn’t matter. The audience’s focus isn’t really on who they are but why they’re being targeted and who is this madman killing them off one by one.

Most of the acting in Downrange was a bit over the top, but the cast had a lot of newcomers so I was able to look past it. Despite this, I hope to see more of them in the future. Eric (Anthony Kirlew) was my favorite character. I thought he brought a bit of humor to a horrendous situation. Beyond that, Kelly Connaire’s character, Jodi, surprised me quite a bit. She turned out to be the unsung hero and a bit ruthless herself!

The best part of the film is the endless bloodshed and gore. Downrange is a complete bloodbath. Seriously, there’s so much blood! No body part goes unharmed in this film. This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise, though, since Downrange is the work of Kitamura, who tends to go all out in this area. I can guarantee that gorehounds appreciate it. 

Final Thoughts:

If you love intense thrillers with badass kills and endless bloodshed, Downrange is for you. If you get the chance to watch it, I’d highly recommend it, but if you have a weak stomach… don’t eat before viewing.


About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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