‘BEYOND THE CHAMBER OF TERROR’ (2021) – Movie Review

I’ve been a huge fan of horror comedies since childhood. One of the first horror films I ever saw was Night of the Creeps. I love when I can tell the filmmakers are genuinely having fun and referencing other films. This is one of many reasons I loved Michael Pereira’s Beyond The Chamber of Terror.


Nash Caruthers is on a deadly collision course with the people that tore his world apart…along with something unexpected. Something far more sinister.

Beyond The Chamber of Terror was written and directed by Michael Pereira. The film stars Timothy Paul McCarthy (The Taste of Blood), Jessica Vano (The Hyperborean), Ry Barrett (In A Violent Nature) Sigourney McAuley, Derek Gilroy (Elysium), Robert Nolan (Monster Killers), Storm Steenson (Follow Your Shadow), Ian Dyck, Ian Otis Goff (Dangerous Rumors), Seth O’Shea (Dangerous Rumors), Jason Tannis (Late Night Double Feature) and Steve Kasan (Spectral Shadows).

One of the things I really loved about Beyond The Chamber of Terror is you can tell Michael Pereira is a huge fan of film. The Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez trunk shot, a license plate referencing Sam Raimi. The biggest mountain of cocaine since Scarface. Characters having conversations about Italian chunkblowers. Hell, Nash Caruthers feels a lot like Ash Williams if he was a little quieter and more curmudgeonly. The film is a loving tribute to the splatter films of the 80’s. This film has heart, metaphorically and literally.

Beyond The Chamber of Terror is more than just gore. It also tells a cool story. It starts as a revenge film before incorporating the Mafia, zombies, and revenge from beyond the grave. I really enjoyed the characters here. Nash is a grumpy, mean bastard but given what he’s went through, it’s impossible not to root for the guy. That’s a credit to Timothy Paul McCarthy’s performance and delivery.

I absolutely loved Ava. Despite coming from a Mafia family, she’s one of the most honorable and likable characters in the film. Jessica Vano gives an incredible performance. I loved Ava and Nash’s relationship in the film. Their back and forth is hilarious. Ry Barrett, who played the killer Johnny in the film In A Violent Nature, plays a supporting role as a Mafia goon who is obsessed with horror films. It was a lot of fun to watch his character geek out about horror films as he’s about to torture someone. Storm Steenson was excellently creepy as Lenora Gimble, while also being sympathetic.

Final Thoughts 

Beyond The Chamber of Terror is a horror comedy for horror fans by horror fans. It’s chock full of references to the films you know and love while also being a pretty kickass film in its own right. Highly recommended.

Beyond The Chamber of Terror will be available digitally from Terror Films on October 11th.

About Charlie Cargile

Central Illinois based film journalist. Lover of cinema of all varieties but in love with films with an independent spirit. Elder Emo. Cat Dad. Metalhead.

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