‘ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?’ – 10 Episodes That Thrilled Me

Are You Afraid of the Dark? was one of the highlights of my childhood. I can vividly remember the first time I watched this show. It’s molded into my brain as one of the most influential TV shows for my weirdness today. Are You Afraid of the Dark? was like our own little late-night horror movie show. Late night of course being 9:30.

I will admit though, through my childhood, I watched a lot worse in the middle of the night with my TV down almost to a whisper. It’s where I found USA’s Up All Night and Tales From the Crypt, which were both campy and fun. Are You Afraid of the Dark? Well, are you?

Here are my top episodes that made me sleep with the lights on.

The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner

This episode was pure nightmare fuel. That Grinner was horrifying and so was the story. As a young kid, I was never into comics, and this is one of the reasons why. Did I have a date with the Ghastly Grinner?

The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors

This was another really odd episode that sent a chill down my spine. I am not really a fan of vampires outside of Max Schreck and Bela Lugosi. However, a house of vampires across the street? I am pretty sure I would mind my own business out of fear alone.

The Tale of the Prom Queen

We have all heard the story about our town’s ghostly hitchhiker, the idea of that always spooked me. Maybe we all have a legend, but I don’t want to meet ours. What creeped me out the most about this episode was the ghostly car coming to pick up its long-lost love. It moves at the perfect speed to give us goosebumps. Also, who could forget the veiled bride who almost gave us a heart attack in its appearance?

The Tale of the Midnight Madness

First of all let me say, holy crap is this vampire terrifying. Based on Nosferatu, this vampire comes with a creep factor times ten. This episode followed me into my short days of working at a movie theater. It was my job to prepare before the showings, and I always worked a little quicker out of fear, especially when I was alone.

The Tale of Watcher’s Woods

We live in a rural part of our state and with that comes plenty of woods. We used to play cemetery tag up the road from our house and I swear to it, I NEVER went into the woods after dark after seeing this episode. Those “Old Hags” are quite terrifying. Not to mention the tree man in charge.

The Quiet Librarian

Let’s face it, our local librarians are a mysterious bunch who can name any book you describe. However; none were creepier than this terror. What would they really do if you talked too much in the library?

The Tale of Station 109.1

Is there a radio station for the dead to find their way? We find out in this episode with someone who has an overbearing love for the macabre. A young kid who wishes to be one with the dead, including lying in the back of a hearse. What did he really expect to happen? When he finds the station he realizes, he doesn’t belong there, but a perfectionist refuses to make a mistake and isn’t convinced.

The Tale of Highway 13

Who doesn’t love a wild ride with muscle cars? I bet you wouldn’t like it so much if you had to keep racing over and over. A gearhead’s worst nightmare comes alive in this episode. Only, when does it end? This episode reminds me of all those car chase movies, with a horrifying twist.

The Tale of the Pinball Wizard

Most of us can remember the mall arcade, it’s where we met on weekends. What happens when you play a new game that brings its players to life in a horrifying way? Never trust how fun a video game looks, heed someone’s warning or you’ll end up in this same boat.

The Tale of the Dark Music

Who got picked on a lot? This episode brings karma to a bad scene, or maybe it’s good? Maybe if  I had a creepy radio that brought a wall demon to life, however; I wouldn’t need that in my life. This episode is a homage to the bullied kids when they fight back.

There you have it: my favorite episodes of Are You Afraid Of THe Dark? Did your favorite make the cut? Or did I miss one? Tell us in the comments!



About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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