Jacob Ennis’s ‘THE TOWN WITHOUT HALLOWEEN’ (2024) – Movie Review

The Town Without Halloween took me back to when Halloween specials were handed out to kids like trick-or-treat candy. Almost every show had a Halloween special, and there were movies dedicated just to us. A little tamer, a little funnier, which made us more comfortable watching the best that the horror genre had to offer. The Town Without Halloween is a reminder that growing up stinks, and we should always reflect on what it was like to be young. Surprisingly, maybe because it deals with the occult, this movie is rated TV-MA. I can assure you there is nothing to fret about in this movie. It’s just supposed to be a good time.


In a town immersed in Halloween traditions, a group of teens stumbles upon the Mayor’s scheme to abolish the beloved holiday. With dark powers at stake, they must save their community and Halloween itself in The Town Without Halloween.

Jacob Ennis directed the film.

The Rundown

I will admit there have been homages to ’80s horror that certainly required a mature audience, such as The Barn; however, this film packs a childhood punch. There is nothing to be afraid of; it’s just a spooky little comedy that kids can soak up. I say, why not? We let them watch the news. The Town Without Halloween seems as if it was aimed at those classic specials we waited for all season, and stands in line next to Made for TV classics like, When Good Ghouls Go Bad. Maybe in another life, we would look at this a bit differently. We have been raised to be afraid after that one day in 2001. We lost a little magic a long time ago.

The Town Without Halloween isn’t a spectacular romp through gore, the film has an innocent quality to it. The film is in the same rank as Hubie Halloween, but it does not need a cast full of stars. The acting quality isn’t great, but it adds to the realism shown in an almost coming-of-age context. Only there’s little monsters running around trying to ruin your good time. What the movie lacks in quality, it makes up for in the story. Is it ridiculous? Of course it is, and that’s just one more reason your kids would love it. Some things are scary, I get it, but when do we decide it’s ok to desensitize our kids? Everyone deserves a fun little scare.

Scaring is Caring

The Town Without Halloween is pure slapstick; it’s like Gremlins on speed, with cute little monsters that we adore after they were made to frighten us a little. This is what makes horror worth it to me. I just want to watch a movie and have a good time. It’s ok to want comedy in your horror, especially childish humor. You root for the kids of the town to regain control and bring back Halloween. The holiday is almost a rite of passage for the underdogs. The kids that don’t really fit in. The Town Without Halloween is for them, the ones afraid that as they get older, traditions will fade. We believe that to grow up, you have to give up.

In the End

The Town Without Halloween is a fun-filled hour and a half that will keep you entertained out of pure curiosity. It is the perfect story to spook your kids just a little, but in a good way. When I was a kid, I watched questionable movies way too young. I don’t regret it, but I was hit with a nostalgic gut punch and left fulfilled. So, hit the lights, make some great snacks, and spend some time as a family. Let’s bring back bonding, instead of fueling an out-of-control fire.


About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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