2LDK (2003) is an award-winning Japanese film, directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi as part of the Duel Project. The film stars Maho Nonami and Eiko Koike as two female roommates, locked in an ever-escalating duel to the death. It looks dark and fun as hell and it’s coming to Blu-ray for the first time ever (and also DVD) from Unearthed Films.
Check out the trailer below, then read on for the details!
2LDK (2003) Synopsis
Two ambitious actresses, who share an apartment, learn they have been short-listed for the same part and that they have to wait for one more night to see who wins the part. As they bicker throughout the night, their competitiveness and hidden grudges turn their apartment into a battlefield.
Yukihiko Tsutsumi directed the film. It stars Eiko Koike, Maho Nonami, and Daisuke Kizaki.
- Making Of 2LDK
- Promotional Videos and Interviews
- Photo Gallery
- Trailers
Here’s a look at the cover art!
2LDK (2003) will be available on Blu-ray and DVD April 19, 2022 from Unearthed Films. You can pre-order your copy today on Amazon.
This looks great! Can’t wait to check it out and see how it ends! What do you think? Have you seen the film yet? Will you be grabbing a copy on Blu-ray or DVD? Tell us in the comments!