Jeff Payne, director of such films as Pale Faced Lady and Jason Versus Michael, has begun production on a new short film called The Whisper In The Woods.
The story will center around 2 backpackers who go out on a camping trip. One friend drags the other out to try and help her get over her Father’s death. They mistakenly get off trail and wander into a blind witch and her den of horrors. It will be a massive struggle for the both of them to stay alive….and quiet.
Jeff Payne explains:
“This will be another horror driven piece guided by themes of sadness and regret. To me, horror is scarier when you can relate with the characters and the real life experiences that people go through. I’ve got an amazing cast and crew ready to start filming at the end of July.”
Stay tuned to PopHorror for more information as it comes out!