Short Horror
With Liberty and Horror for all...

5 Short Horror Films More Terrifying Than Election Day!

Stressed about the election? You’re not alone! But we’ve got the cure for what ails you… Take your mind off of America’s future and spend a few minutes checking out these 5 Short Horror Films from 2016. I guarantee you’ll forget about the election in no time!

First up – The Moonlight Man! Reminiscent of The Babadook, this creepy short clocks in at just under 3 minutes. You’ll remember this bad boy the next time you find yourself walking to your car alone at night!

The Moonlight Man: “A girl walking alone at night is stalked by a creepy monster called The Moonlight Man in this short horror film.”

Film by Danny Donahue

Next up: Wink! It’s an emoji driven world and we’re living in it. This clever short film will forever change the way you look at your phone and your Facebook page.  *wink wink*

Wink: Be ?. Be very ?.

Film By Space Oddity Films

If you have kids, you probably have a drawing or two on your refrigerator. Did your child make The Drawing? If so, that’s one creepy kid you’ve got there! RUN!

The Drawing: A young woman discovers a mysterious crayon drawing while out for a jog. It was probably nothing, right?

Film by Micah Roland

I’m guessing Burger King executives will have a field day with this one! Cease and desist order, anyone? It’s both creepy and funny. You’ll get a kick out of Have It Your Way.

Have It Your Way: ‘Tis the season to stay up watching horror movies while your girlfriend works late. Better grab your favorite fast food to enjoy the dreadfully exciting end! Made for DreadFest 2016.

Film by TheCultGuy

Last, but not least, we have The Nightmare. I’m really impressed with the production value of this one. It’s quite reminiscent of A Nightmare On Elm Street. Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

The Nightmare: Kim’s sleep is disrupted when a demonic goblin enters her dream, determined to manifest itself in the real world. With her husband, Brad right beside her but unaware of what’s going inside her mind, will Kim wake up before it’s too late?

Film by Scary Endings

There you have it – 5 scary short films to take your mind off of the horrors of Election Day. But just because you’re scared, doesn’t mean you should shirk your civic duty. Get out there and SHOCK THE VOTE!

Short Horror

About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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