5 Awesome 2015-2016 Horror-Related Things on Netflix

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5 Awesome 2015-2016 Horror-Related Things on Netflix

We’re a generation of online streaming and although I love buying special edition Blu-rays, I can’t deny the fact that when in doubt of what to watch I can always browse Netflix and their plethora of options to choose from.

However, some people are not happy about the most recent increase in their monthly subscription and I can’t say that I blame them. Some say it’s not worth that amount of money even more so with all the other streaming sites available, but Netflix does offer some goodies that others don’t always offer and you can’t deny they do a freaking amazing job with their Netflix Original Series. On that note, here are 5 awesome 2015-2016 horror-related things on Netflix that you can watch right now.

Holidays (2016)

I absolutely love horror anthologies, so I’m always excited when a new one comes out. Holidays is a 2016 horror anthology with a ton of different directors, writers, and actors. Each segment goes into a different holiday theme with a fun and dark twist to the traditional cheery tones that come with each holiday. Although it wasn’t brilliant, it satisfied my appetite to watch a bunch of different horror stories and, like most anthologies, some of the segments are by far more entertaining than the others, but it’s definitely worth watching!

They Look Like People (2015)

 They Look Like People is a unique horror film that is directed and written by Perry Blackshear. In this story, a man believes that humanity is being taken over by evil creatures and wants to protect the ones he loves from it happening to them. The story-line, characters, and every moment till the end will make it worth your time to check it out on Netflix. It doesn’t have a high rating on Netflix, but don’t be fooled: that’s how hidden gems are often passed by!

Hush (2016)

If you’re a part of the horror community, I’d be pretty surprised if you haven’t heard about this one. Everyone talks this one up and for good reason. Directed by Mike Flanagan, it dives into a unique home invasion movie that has an awesome cast and intense story-line. If you haven’t checked it out by now, you really should!

The Hallow (2015)

I watched The Hallow earlier this year on Netflix and it was amazing. The Hallow is directed by Corin Hardy and is one of the best monster/creature movies I’ve seen in a long time. Although there’s not much blood and gore, it still leaves you satisfied. The lightening and visuals really give it that awesome eerie sensation and the creatures are an insanely creepy look that will remind you of 80’s horror.

Deathgasm (2015)

Metal and horror just really are the perfect combo and in Deathgasm, you get both – the best of both worlds. This is such a fun film directed by Jason Lei Howden and to be honest there’s really not one thing I don’t love about this horror-comedy. Everything about it is ridiculous in the best way possible and I won’t tell you anything more about it… you’ll have to find out by watching it on Netflix right now! =)

Stranger Things (2016)


Finally, the best thing currently streaming on Netflix right now is no doubt Stranger Things. Just a few weeks ago, we were lucky to be introduced to this Netflix Original Series directed by Matt and Ross Duffer. It has gained a huge fan base and we can’t wait for another season. If you love Stephen King, 80’s horror, awesome music, a good mystery, and a fun adventure… this is right up your alley.  

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About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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