Top 10 Must-See Horror Movies of 2000

3). Urban Legends: Final Cut

With an incredibly intriguing gimmick, you can’t be shocked by the fact that this film exists. Still maintaining the college setting, the second film in the Urban Legends franchise is just as good as the first. The killers’ costume, a fencing mask, is far more original than a large winter coat. It makes the villain far more intriguing and ten times scarier.

Reception of the film was not that great. Critics were quoted saying that it was an unoriginal entry to an exhausted genre. I would like to politely respond with a middle finger to the critics who felt that way. Final Cut sticks to the rules of the original, meaning that the victims must be killed using the format of an urban legend. I found it to be far more brutal and a much better “whodunit,” despite not having a shocking conclusion like the first.

About Preston Holt

At 5 years old i was catapulted in to the horror genre and have had no desire to ever leave it. I'm 26 years old with a great sense of humor and a thirst for the horror industry that just will never be quenched. I have a horror review site of my own called cabinintheweb reviews and when I'm not writing about, or watching, horror films, I am spending time with my spouse and my animals.

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One comment

  1. You could also make a pretty good case for GINGER SNAPS and THE CELL…