Top 10 Best Uses of Songs in Horror Movies

I’ve been watching and re-watching a lot of horror movies lately. It got me thinking about the times directors have used a song in a film where it made the scene memorable. I mean I’m sure there are movies you have watched that had a song in it and now every time you hear that song you think of that movie.

With that being said I have compiled some of the top 10 uses of songs in horror movies.

Top 10 of The Best Uses in Horror Movies:


10. Song: Burn

Artist: The Cure

Movie: The Crow (1994)

Scene: After Eric is resurrected, he experiences painful flashbacks of what happened to Shelly. Setting out to avenge her he gets a new look.

9. song: Hip to be Square

Artist: Huey Lewis and the News

Movie: American Psycho (2000)

Scene: I mean I don’t even think I have to say the scene because most people know it. In case you haven’t.. Christian Bale has an axe and it meets Jared Leto’s head.

8. Song: Banana Boat (Day-O)

Artist: Harry Belafonte

Movie: Beetleljuice (1988)

Scene: The infamous dinner scene where they get possessed and sing and dance.

7. Song: People Are Strange

Artist: The Doors

Movie: The Lost Boys (1987)

Scene: When they arrive in Santa Carla.

6. Song: Free Bird

Artist: Lynyrd Skynyrd

Movie: Devils Rejects (2005) 

Scene: The big shootout at the end. I literally cannot hear this song without seeing the final scene in this Rob Zombie flick.

The Devil's Rejects: Free Bird on Make a GIF

5. Song: Red Right Hand

Artist: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

Movie: Scream (1996)

Scene: It is kind of like the theme song for the franchise. Also, I feel Like you have two groups of people with this song. The ones who heard it in Scream and the ones who heard it in Peaky Blinders.

4. Song: Total Eclipse Of The Heart

Artist: Bonnie Tyler

Movie: The Strangers Prey at Night (2018)

Scene: The pool scene that’s all I’m saying if you haven’t seen The Strangers Prey at Night I’d highly recommend.

3. Song: Call Me

Artist: Blondie

Movie: Bride of Chucky (1998)

Scene: Tiffany’s doll makeover. AKA the best makeover scene in a movie.

d.c's gonna get chucked!

2. Song: I Got 5 On It

Artist: Yukmouth

Movies: Us (2019)

Scene: It’s in the movie, but I think of the trailer more when I hear this song.

  1. Song: Don’t Stop Me Now

Artist: Queen

Movie: Shaun Of The Dead (2004)

Scene: One of my favorite scenes in a movie ever! When they are in the Winchester and Queen comes on. I know Don’t Stop Me Now because of this film and it forever holds a place in my heart. This scene was also the inspiration behind this article!

About Jazmine Hiller

Just a Canadian girl who loves horror movies and old music. I grew up watching horror with older siblings, and cousins but I really fell in love when I watched Wes Craven's A Nightmare On Elm Street, and I've been in love ever since. In my free time I write for PopHorror. In my everyday life I work as a vet assistant at my vet clinic. I’m currently in school to be a certified veterinary technician!

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