‘The Bad Seed’ (2018) Composer Leanna Primiani Interview

Recently, PopHorror had the privilege of speaking with Leanna Primiani, the composer for The Bad Seed (2018), which was directed by the very talented and rather good looking Rob Lowe.

Leanna Primiani is a composer, conductor and just all around really intelligent creative in the world of music. She has recently published an album which has a strong film score tone to it. It seems like Leanna is always on the verge of creating something new and wonderful for our ears, whether that’s composing for a TV or feature film or conducting a symphony orchestra.

Leanna Primiani

In the interview video – which ended up being much longer than anticipated because Leanna just exudes passion for music and film – we covered many topics, such as how she came to be involved with Rob Lowe in The Bad Seed, composers who inspire her creatively, what it’s like being a female composer, and, of course, we covered her favorite horror films and TV series, and so much more.

During the interview in the background, you will hear a selection of her work, which she has graciously given us permission to use. So, sit back, relax and enjoy our interview of Leanna Primiani as she gives us insight into the world of a seriously talented composer.

If you interested in finding out more about Leanna Primiani and would like to support her further, have no fear, for all of her details are below for your wonderful eyeballs.

Purchase Leanna Primiani’s album, 5mice, right here!

Listen to the score here 

5mice is also available here

Apple Music
Google Play

Leanna Primiani YouTube composer selection:

The Bad Seed 2018 premiered on the Lifetime channel on September 9, 2018, if you desire to watch the flick. It’s worth at least a basket of kisses!

About Ruben Lee Shaw

Movies have been a part of Ruben's life for as long as he can remember. His first film experience was E.T. when he was 5 in a dark grotty cinema in Amsterdam (at least that is how he remembers it). He grew up in South Africa and studied Film and Television production in the UK, which is where he now resides with his stunning wife, 2 interesting teenagers, a fat cat, a crazy dog, and sometimes a dark passenger, (his very imaginative imagination). He has worked on both features and short films and has experience as a journalist/reviewer for films, tv, and games. In 2016 he created his own super Geeky brand called The Ruby Tuesday.  Ruben has a love for horror and things that go bump in the night, although he himself will admit to being a scaredy-cat. Ruben's first teen-fantasy-horror novel is to be released in 2018. Some of his favorite creatives and their creations are Stephen King (It and on writing), Dean Koontz, (Odd Thomas series) Ridley Scott (Alien), C. S. Lewis (Narnia and Screwtape letters) John Carpenter (The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China), James Herbert (Rats) and Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labrythn, Hellboy and The Book of Life). Ruben continues to push the boundaries of his imagination and intends to release three novels and short films in the coming years.

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