“Thanks For The Ride, Lady!” Creepshow 2 Turns 30!

It’s hard to believe, but George A. Romero’s Creepshow 2 turns 30 years old this week! Travel back in time with us to May 1, 1987, and reminisce about the sequel to Stephen King and George Romero’s wildly successful 1982 horror anthology Creepshow. In honor of the 30th Anniversary, here are 5 things you might not know about Creepshow 2.

1. Stephen King Has A Cameo – There was a time when Stephen King showed up in most of his films. In Creepshow, for example, he played Jordy Verrill, the farmer who got the “meteor shit” on his hands. Did you spot King in Creepshow 2? He played the truck driver in “The Hitchhiker” segment.

Stephen King

2. The Holbrook Connection – Hal Holbrook appeared in the Creepshow segment “The Crate.” Hal’s son David Holbrook played one of the thugs in Creepshow 2‘s “Old Chief Wood’nhead.” Here they are, side by side. It’s a family thing!

The Holbrooks

3. Why Three Segments, Not Five? – The original Creepshow had five segments and a wraparound story. The sequel has just three segments. Why is that? Budget, apparently. According to IMDB trivia, the second film was supposed to have two additional stories. One was a King story called “Pinfall” about rival bowling teams. The other was “Cat From Hell,” which would later show up in Tales From The Darkside: The Movie. Remember that little tail? Er, tale?

Cat From Hell

4. Hey, Is That Tom Savini? – Special FX wizard and horror icon Tom Savini makes an appearance in Creepshow 2. Did you see him? He plays none other than The Creep himself! You can catch him at the very beginning, dropping off the comics on the corner and then again at the very end. Here he is! Bonus: Tom was in the original, too. He played one of the garbage men!

Tom Savini Creepshow 2

5. Horlicks School Spirit – Remember Horlicks University from the original Creepshow‘s “The Crate?” The sequel features an Easter Egg nod to the school. In the segment “The Raft,” LaVerne is wearing a Horlicks shirt when they arrive at the beach. Look fast. She’s not wearing it long, if you know what I mean…

Creepshow 2

Creepshow 2 is available now on Speical Edition Blu-ray. What was your favorite segment?

  • Old Chief Wood’nhead?
  • The Raft?
  • The Hitchhiker?

Let us know in the comments!

Happy 30th birthday…and thanks for the ride!

About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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