Tag Archives: Sam

Halloween – It Really Is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


From curmudgeons to Karens, there’s always someone trying to spoil the fun on that one day of the year that it’s okay to let our freak flags fly. Lets take a moment to sing the praises and give a big Halloween THANK YOU to the folks who keep the spirit …

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The Photography Of Jenna Manson: Interview With An Artist

The photography of Jenna Manson has caught my eye for quite awhile now. I would see it at conventions and be hypnotized by the beauty of the images. There would be so many gorgeous works of art that it was overwhelming trying to make the decision on which one to …

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Top 7 Horror Icons of the 2000s

Each decade has given us amazing horror icons that we love, probably a little more than we should. As a horror fan, it comes with the territory to like things that are strange and unusual, because I myself am strange and unusual. Yes, I just quoted Lydia from Beetlejuice, but …

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