Tag Archives: Dennis Paoli

‘SUITABLE FLESH’ (2023) Review – Body Swapping Done Right

Suitable Flesh

Body swap horror goes back decades but was popularized in the 1970s by David Cronenberg (The Fly 1986)(check out our tribute article to David here). We’ve seen the transference of souls through all different mediums and purposes in horror. But few modern takes on this trope have been done as …

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‘SUITABLE FLESH’ Coming To VHS From Witter Entertainment

Suitable Flesh

Suitable Flesh is badass (read our review here) and currently streaming on Shudder. Tapeheads can rejoice, though, because the Lovecraftian body horror is coming to VHS from Witter Entertainment and Broke Horror Fan! Read on for the details! From The Witter Entertainment Press Release SUITABLE FLESH comes to VHS in classic …

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Body Horror…Only Lots of Fun! ‘SUITABLE FLESH’ (2023) Review

Suitable Flesh

Sometimes in life (and horror films) legacy is everything. Filmmakers, since the inception of the medium, have tried to make their indelible mark. In the horror realm, and indeed in the HP Lovecraft sub-genre, the late Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond, Dagon) unquestionably left both a mark and a legacy. …

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Scream Until You Like It! ‘GHOULIES II’ (1987) Blu-ray Review

Was it really 36 years ago?!? Holy shit, do I feel old! Yes, 36 years ago, Charles Band’s Empire Pictures unleashed a second entry into the little demon franchise. With his father Albert (Dracula’s Dog) directing, and the triumvirate of Charlie Dolan, Luca Bercovici (director of Ghoulies) and Dennis Paoli …

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