Search Results for: what the fest

We Are the Flesh (2016) Movie Review

Recently, PopHorror got an inside look at the trailer for We Are the Flesh, a Spanish post-apocalyptic film due to be released this month. To say we were excited was an understatement. Now, just a few days later, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to see We Are …

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Trash Fire (2016) Not A Trash Talking Review

Sometimes movies just slip through the cracks and I can’t see them as quickly as I would like to or I didn’t even know about them. This weekend as I was browsing my local video store (yes we still have a few where I’m from) and I came across a …

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Honeymoon (2015) – Movie Review

I’m not proud of it, but I’ve always been guilty of judging a movie by its cover. If the cover art isn’t intriguing to me, I usually don’t bother reading the synopsis. The only reason I gave Honeymoon a try was because I really loved the cover and the synopsis …

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Killer Rack (2015) Have I Told You I Loved You? Review

Sometimes when I’m feeling less then fresh, I like a little comedy to go along with my horror. A lot of the times, these two genres go hand in hand. So when a friend sent me over the trailer for Killer Rack and mentioned that it was streaming on Amazon, I was …

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7 of the Saddest Deaths in Horror Films

Romantic comedies and dramas aren’t the only genres that can make people cry. If anything, killing off characters in horror films can tug at your heartstrings even more. Horror isn’t known for providing characters with quick deaths. These are a few character deaths that affected me personally.  Gage Creed – …

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7 of the Best Horror Communities on Facebook

As a horror fan, it’s always great to find people who like the same things you like, things that other people deem weird and unusual. In the past, we could meet fellow fans at cons or festivals, but with the popularity of social media, everything has changed. There are groups and …

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A Christmas Horror Story (2015) – Movie Review

A Christmas Horror Story is exactly what a good anthology horror movie is supposed to be! It brings interesting stories, a great cast of characters, and an overall feel-good vibe.  (Synopsis provided by From Grant Harvey, Steven Hoban, and Brett Sullivan, the directors who brought us Ginger Snaps 2: …

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Daddy Dearest (2015) Horror Short Review

It can take years to develop a real love of horror. Some fans don’t discover their passion for the macabre until they’re well into their 20s or 30s. There are a lucky few of us who have known from a very early age that we love to be scared, disgusted …

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Lead Me Astray (2015): A Feral Horror Debut

Producing a full feature psychological horror film with an approximate budget of $10,000 AUD ($7,422.95 USD) can be a tricky endeavor. However, Australian thriller Lead Me Astray accomplishes this and more in its 90-minute runtime. The movie captivates the audience with the mystery surrounding Alexis (Jace Pickard), a veterinary student with a …

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I Know Who Killed Me (2007)- Retro Review

I Know Who Killed Me is a horror movie hidden gem. It was unfairly placed in the number one spot of Siskel and Ebert’s “Worst of 2007” list. Not that either Siskel or Ebert are known scary movie aficionados, but I digress. Although I love a wide array or films (horror …

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