Movie Review: ‘Vore Gore’ (2021) Tales of Consumption, Mutilation and Cannibalism

Anthology films hold a special place in my heart. From the early days of reading Tales from the crypt comics to watching it on TV late at night. It gives a chance for not only one director but other directors to tell a story their way. In some cases, it is a common theme other with a wrap around the story we see in the beginning and end. Other times we’re thrown right into the film. 

This is how I felt watching Vore Gore. An anthology film directed by a group of directors that know gore, art, and sexuality. The film is done in an artistic way that doesn’t lose focus on what it’s trying to convey nor does it simply use the subject as a basis to sell the movie as a simple adult film. The stories sell themselves. The term Vorarephilia (“vore”) is an infrequently presenting paraphilia, characterized by the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature.

Vore Gore

The film’s host if you will is a pair of Lips saying the title of each film. 

Mouth: Mike Balerdi (Larva Mental) is the first film and it goes right into the action of gore and music. It feels like the intro to the film but a movie like this needs no introduction if you’re familiar with the directors you know what to expect. If not this is a great introduction. The mouth has some unsettling scenes of a penis being mutilated but it’s a great film to start the series.

Sweet As Honey by Emanuele Marchetto (Dark Web XXX) showcases a side of erotica and violence. It tells the story of a man intrigued by his bee collection he keeps. He envisions himself being consumed as he masturbates, he’s then attacked by a version of himself. It’s a great story that does leave the viewer wanting more. 

Vore Gore

Finger Licking Good by Lorenzo Dante Zanoni (Ill: Final Contagium)This is the story that made me feel uneasy because it took its time to build up to the execution of the cutting. The story tells of a man who loses an earring down a sink. He becomes fascinated by the idea and dreams of feeding his bathroom sink of himself. It starts with his eye which was just a lot harder to watch than the eye scene from Zombie. Amazing short that just made me uneasy but still intrigued. 

Please, Not In My Mouth by Poison Rouge (American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice) Tells the story of a woman taking a bath dreaming of her torturing a guy with industrial music playing. This has a vibe of a music video showcasing her Poison’s talents as a great director showing that women are a true force of nature in the horror business. 

Italian Ladies Do It Better by Irene Jones Baruffetti (Nightmare Symphony) Is a touching story of a clothing designer who works to make the perfect outfit and is rejected by a big company. She eventually puts a piece of her (into her work, literally) This story can hit home for indie directors who put their blood, sweat, and tears into their work. Paired with a beautiful soundtrack it gives us a look into the work of a true artist. 

Infernal Gluttony 2 by Patrick Fortin is a sequel to Infernal Gluttony by Gore Gore Dave. The film has a found footage look as a man consumes everything and himself to loud music. The film works for fans of gore, loud music, or if you enjoy the ambiance of violence in the background. 

Yummy Fur by White Gardenia, Daniel Valient, and Cherokee Nevin (XXX Dark Web) This one was by far the hardest to watch just from hearing people that it’s real, or maybe it’s great FX? This one features a lot of self-mutilation for enjoyment. If you get squeamish with this type of content be warned. 

Vore Gore

Stretching by Domiziano Cristopharo (Nightmare Symphony) tells the story of a man obsessed with tight corners and squeezing himself into them. It becomes his goal, his fetish his way of life. Ideally not so much a horror movie but a psychological film of our wants and needs. Domiziano once again gives us a glimpse of how insanity taking over us making us our real nightmare. I have to say the ending was a bit hard to watch especially if you’re claustrophobic.

The Egg by Dario Almerighi (7 Sins) I have to admit this wasn’t what I thought was going to be. There’s gore there’s a story. Man buries an egg in the forest and a woman is born from it to which he begins to cut her up. Not a bad story it’s a very poetic film that intrigued me to the end. A film that could’ve been its feature-length film. 

So my final thought on this film. Vore Gore was about consumption and it did just that. Consume it swallowed my interest whole making me want to watch more, making me want to watch other films of the directors and understand that people who may enjoy the fetish of Vore are just interested in the idea. Films like this are meant to teach and entertain. Overall worth owning and watching numerous times. For more information on the release of the film please visit Tetro Video.

About Jai Alexis

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