scythe gang 666

Interview with Scythe Gang 666 for Their New Music Video ‘Ice Cream Song’

Although we don’t cover music and bands much, sometimes a special group catches PopHorror’s eye with their look and talent. I recently had the opportunity to chat with the band Scythe Gang 666 (Michael Vanson – Vocals, Maezi Kacey – Guitars, King Zabb – Bass, and Skimask The Drumgod – Drums). They’re relatively new but killing it with their unique sound and style. Learn more about the band members, how they met, their new music video – ‘Ice Cream Song’, and more.

Scythe Gang 666

PopHorror – It’s great to meet you guys! Please tell PopHoror a bit about each member of the band.

King Zabb – My live performance role in the project is playing bass. Some of your readers may know me only as the Triple Six Champion of the world but I’m also the guy who edits the videos and designs merch.

Skimask the Drumgod – I play drums live. We don’t currently have any studio material with real drum tracks but we have some ideas for that in the future, like doing album version remixes of existing songs with live drums on them or something along those lines.

Maezi Kacey – I am Maezi I play lead guitar for Scythe Gang 666. I produce beats under the @Maezi666. My beatstars is Some of the beats are priced as low as only $10 as of right now. I do customs for $100 (as of right now) half upfront and half when done. Feel free to DM me for more info.

Michael Vanson – My name is Michael and I do all the vocals in Scythe Gang. Maezi and I work together to write the songs.

PopHorror – Sounds like you all work together perfectly! How long have you been together?

Michael Vanson – Like many horrible things, Scythe Gang 666 launched in the summer of 2020. We’ve all known each other as friends in the music scene for years going back, and feel great about our weird group.

PopHorror – That’s awesome! What inspired your band name?

King Zabb – Michael and Maezi wanted to use a scythe as a logo before we had the name. I needed some convincing because it didn’t seem like there was any thought other than “because scythes are sick.” Michael sarcastically responded with “WeLL ThEN WhY DoNT WE jUSt CaLL IT SCyTHE GaNG” which ended up sticking lmao. Maezi wanted to add 666 for extra edge and I suggested it be pronounced “triple six.” We try to be as sickk as possible at all times as evidenced by us being as sickk as possible at all times.

PopHorror – Haha I love it! What would you describe your sound as?

Maezi Kacey – Our sound is technically categorized as extreme death trap. It has a guitar in it that I play. There are also 808s but in order for it to be “true” extreme death trap there must also but a saw synth. There is a preset on omnisphere I like a lot that is used a lot but it is mixed to sound truer to the extreme death trap sound.


PopHorror – I love it. You have a new video coming out soon – ‘Ice Scream Song’. What’s the inspiration behind it?

Michael Vanson – One-day Zabb hits me up and he’s like “We have access to an ice cream truck. I dunno how we can use it but we should.” I wasn’t sure how to use that at first, but the great thing about Scythe Gang, is you can kind of make it work with anything. Next thing you know, we have a song about Scythe Gang doing drive-bys and selling drugz out of a stolen ice cream truck. I tried to fit as many ice cream puns into the lyrics as I could.  Overall I’m super happy with how everything played out. The video shoot was super fun and messy.

PopHorror – That sounds like so much fun!!! I love the art for it – who created it?

King Zabb – The artwork and the visual stuff you’ll see on our social media comes from me. Michael hand drew the Scythe Gang 666 text logo and our friend Rabbit designed the scythe emblem. All of our artwork features friends of ours in our ski masks who have been a huge help to this project, (shouts out to all of them). Our friend group makes the shoots fun and easy which we are very grateful for. Outside of holding the Triple Six Championship, I’m a graphic designer and videographer which allows us to create tons of content for the Sickle Kliq whenever we have an idea. Prior to Scythe Gang 666, I was filming concerts and professional wrestling but have since transitioned into mostly doing music videos. Our band has an unorthodox vision that makes it hard to communicate to outside creatives sometimes so we try to keep everything in house.

PopHorror – Multi-talented – that’s always a plus! Where can we buy this track?

Skimask the Drumgod – You can Venmo $666 to @acecreator6 and I will personally dm you a link to the song on the streaming service of your choice!

PopHorror – Anything else you’d like to talk about?

Skimask the Drumgod – People haven’t picked up on this as much but our band is extremely politically driven. Our primary goal is to make music by the will of the people, for the people, and the people want to bring back smoking inside. It’s beyond insane that we live in a so-called free country and you can’t even suck a stogie to completion in the comfort of a family restaurant. This inhumane cruelty to smokers must end. Did you know that the number one cause of death for cigarette smokers is exposure to harmful weather conditions? I would tell you to look it up but you can’t because the anti-tobacco industry has filled the pages of academia with utter nonsense about lung cancer. Cigarettes won’t kill you. Do you know what will kill you? Standing outside in harsh fifty degree weather with light precipitation to smoke a cigarette instead of safely within the walls of a school or hospital. Americans, no, the entire world must take the moral high ground and welcome smokers back into shelter under our roofs in public buildings and businesses. It’s the right thing to do. Bring back smoking inside.

PopHorror – What a coincidence! I was just talking with my husband the other day about how my family always picked the “smoking side” in a restaurant or the “smoking room” in a hotel. I wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to listening to all your music and supporting your future endeavors!

Check out Scythe Gang 666’s new music video – ‘ICE CREAM SONG’

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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