Movie Reviews

‘Better Off Zed’ (2018) Movie Review

I used to really love zombie movies, but over the past 10 years or so, they have became a done to death (no pun intended) subgenre. While I’ve experienced burnout on zombies films, I do still dig the occasional zombie comedy. When I saw Better Off Zed on the shelf …

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Movie Review – ‘The God Inside My Ear’ (2017)

Joe Badon makes his directorial debut with The God Inside My Ear. It is a beautifully written film that focuses on the aesthetic of life and existence. The plot lures you into this psychological thriller as the steps of healing dreadfully unfold. Read on to get more of my thoughts …

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Horror Short Review: ‘American Virus’ (2015)

American Virus

When someone pops up in the entertainment industry with a famous family member, you have a level of expectation for them. Fair or not, depending on the level of ability of the family member, that bar is therefore set for that sibling, offspring, etc. Kathryn Eastwood, Clint Eastwood’s daughter, wrote …

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‘Dead Envy’ (2018) – Film Review

Dead Envy is a film we at PopHorror have been looking forward to checking out. How can we not be, when the film has been advertised as Rock n’ Roll HORROR! A Lynchian style thriller about MUSIC and HAIR! That description, along with the poster and trailer, had me intrigued from …

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Amazon Hot Box (2018) Movie Review

James Bickert and Brian K. Williams are two indie filmmakers that I have been following for the past couple years. When they announce new films, I genuinely get excited to see what they have come up with. A few months back, James and Brian launched a Kickstarter campaign for Amazon …

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‘Found Footage 3D’ (2016) Movie Review

Most of our readers know by now that I really don’t care much for found footage films, with the exception of Wekufe: Origin of Evil and Room For Rent (you can read my reviews of the films here and here). I feel like the genre is full of potential to tell a compelling …

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“A Heartbreaking And Beautiful Tragedy”- Hostile (2017) Movie Review

While I tend to enjoy post-apocalyptic films, they have been overdone lately, a slew of more of the same and less of something new. When I heard about the post-apocalyptic film, Hostile, it sounded like something with the potential to put a fresh spin on a well-worn genre, and I knew …

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Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Freaks’ (2018) – A Genre-Reshaping Movie Review

When I first read about Filmmaker Zach Lipovsky’s (Afflicted 2013) film, Freaks, I made a few assumptions about what I was about to watch. I assumed it was about a little girl breaking free from her paranoid father’s grasp and discovering the world for the first time like the little …

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