Actress Trista Robinson Tells It All to PopHorror!

PopHorror just had the best conversation with actress and producer Trista Robinson! You may recognize her from films such as Silent Retreat, The Human Race, and Asmodeus. She lets us in on projects she is working on and how she got her start in acting. Read on below to learn more about this amazing actress!


POPHORROR: Thanks so much for doing an interview with PopHorror Trista! We are super excited to have the opportunity to speak with you! Silent Retreat was an awesome movie. How did you land the role for it?

TRISTA: I booked the role of Silent Retreat through Pam Gilles Casting. Since then, Pam has become a great friend and ally. I did not know her before the initial audition.

POPHORROR: Hollywood certainly is all about networking and meeting cool new people! It makes for some memorable moments to reflect on later. Speaking of memories, what was your most memorable moment while working on Silent Retreat?

TRISTA: My most memorable moment working on the film was when we filmed the scene when all of the characters were first arriving at the lodge. We filmed that early on when we actually did first arrive to the lodge. So, it felt very organic and exciting!

POPHORROR: Awesome! How did you get your start in acting?

TRISTA: I started acting in middle school. My first role was as a flying monkey/munchkin in my school’s production of The Wizard of Oz. Dual roles!

POPHORROR: We bet that led to many more future projects. Are you working on anything currently or have any upcoming projects?

TRISTA: Yes! I have lots of work, thankfully! I am doing this interview from the (very cool) set off a proof of concept short called Infant. There is also a feature in the works for next year. Vinegar Syndrome’s Joe Rubin is the DP and Jeff Gittel is the writer/director. In a few weeks, I depart for Mississippi to work on Mark Savage’s new horror film Purgatory Road.

POPHORROR: You are one busy gal! Are there any particular roles you would like to pursue?

TRISTA: There are many roles I would like to pursue. Pretty much anything I have never played. I have yet to play a male character and think that would be interesting and challenging.

POPHORROR: It is very inspiring to see female actors take on challenging roles like that. Who are some of your inspirations in the movie industry?

TRISTA: I have many inspirations in the movie industry. You didn’t specify living or dead so I am going to go with Vincent Price and Audrey Hepburn if you don’t mind.

POPHORROR: Nope, not at all! Some movie legends live on forever. Great choices. Vincent Price is a horror icon for sure. What is your favorite scary movie?

TRISTA: My answer to that question fluctuates as I have several favorite horror movies. Today, my answer is Rosemary’s Baby.

POPHORROR: Fantastic film! It is definitely creepy and scary. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?

TRISTA: Hmmm…the scariest thing I have ever done? It might be following my heart and chasing a crazy dream in an uncertain business. It is only scary if I stop to think about it, though. Mostly, I just keep going.

POPHORROR: With perseverance anything is possible. For our last question, do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

TRISTA: My advice to aspiring actors would be to be strong, brave, and kind. I apologize if that sounds trite. It is heartfelt.

POPHORROR: Aspiring actors will appreciate hearing that! Thank you again for speaking with PopHorror Trista! You are a very talented actress and we can’t wait to see more from you in the future!






About Nikki777

Nikki has always been a fan of all things horror. At the ripe age of four, she became an instant Freddy Kreuger fan and the rest is history. She has aspirations of writing a horror novel someday so writing horror articles is right up her alley! She currently resides in Des Moines, Iowa with her boyfriend and two dogs.

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