Coming Soon To Indiepix Unlimited: ‘THE ESCORT’ (2023)

Coming soon to Indiepix Unlimited from director Lukas Nola (Hush…) is a new thriller: The Escort. The film stars Zivko Anocic (The Eighth Commissioner), Krsimir Mikic (Cutterhead), and Niksa Butijer (Crnici).

The Escort


For the first time in his life, happily married filmmaker Miro (Zrvko Anočić) spends the night with a prostitute who was mysteriously sent to his hotel room after a business evening. After indulging in sex and drugs, he finds the girl dead in the bathroom, and quickly covers up the unfortunate incident with the help of two hotel employees who suddenly start to play a major role in his life that will never be the same.

Check out the trailer below:

It will be available June 28, 2024.

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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