Tor Ramsey’s ‘Children Of The Living Dead’ (2001) – Retro Review

 A lot of movies I grew up on have faded into forgotten relics. Children Of The Living Dead is one of those movies. The movie sends me all kinds of nostalgia throughout my childhood. Get ready, because it is one of those movies that time forgot. However, it’s a good movie to help you laugh on the hard days. It takes cheap gore and great-looking makeup enjoyable. Let’s get cracking.


A small town in Pennsylvania has to survive a zombie infestation in the late1960’s. A team led by Deputy Hughes (Tom Savini: Dawn Of The Dead 1978 ) investigates a barn and meets Abbot Hayes (A. Barrett Worland: The Yellow House 2002), who bites Deputy Hughes and throws him to his death. Years later, a young man has just taken over an old farm property in order to start his new car dealership.

Unknown to him, the farm is located on the site of a graveyard which the local townsfolk claim should be left alone. However, they wake up the long dead Abbot Hayes by building over the graveyard anyways.

As the town mourns the loss of four teenagers, Abbott Hayes ensures their bodies will come back as corpses with a hunger for flesh.

Everyone left in town goes their separate ways to cover more ground. It all turns into a terrifying mad dash to outrun the dead. Zombies begin to take over the town. As the citizens get picked off one by one, the rest of them are barricaded in a diner trying to survive.

Children of the Living Dead is not for the weak. If you like story-driven movies, I  suggest that you look elsewhere. There is no story or real plot. It‘s almost heresy to other horror fans. However, I am just built differently from others. I love B movies, plain and simple. They are so fun to watch with friends or by yourself.  

Children of the Living Dead did not disappoint me. However, I have been watching movies like this since I was five. The cheese factor is present throughout the movie. If you are looking for gore, you won’t find it here, because they made the killings offscreen. It almost seems like a Troma movie, and I love Troma. The fact that Tom Savini agreed to a cameo in this is a thrill. He’s one of my heroes, and his acting here was bad, but as I said, I love bad movies. I also love zombies, if you can’t tell already.

When Tom Savini owns one of your books

I would watch a movie like Children of the Living Dead if you’re in the mood for some humor. You can chalk it up to a bad movie pretty quickly. The best part is that you can find this entire movie for free on YouTube. Keep the underground alive! We need more movies like this to help us remember where we came from.

About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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